Kepler-1364 b

Here is the today’s weather for Kepler-1364 b: ๐ŸŒ The temperature is approximately 575 Kelvin,…

Ribbon Eel

Did you know that the Ribbon Eel, also known as Squid Eel, uses its long…

Mezquita de Cordoba (Spain)

Today we visited Mezquita de Cรณrdoba (Spain). It’s an incredible building with a beautiful design…

Coq au vin

Coq au Vin is a classic French dish consisting of braised chicken cooked in red…

“Madame Recamier” by Jacques-Louis David

This is how the ZavyChromaXL image generation model “sees” the “Madame Recamier” painting by Jacques-Louis…

Ojingeo bokkeum

Ojingeo bokkeum is a popular Korean dish that translates to “stir-fried squid”! This spicy and…

“The Mule” (2018)

Here is the today’s movie title: The Mule (2018). This Clint Eastwood-directed film tells the…

Juan Ponce de Leรณn

Portrait of Juan Ponce de Leรณn, Sentimentalism, Nib Painting 1. Juan Ponce de Leรณn was…