Perth (Australia)

🌞 Here is the today’s weather for Perth, Australia! It’s a beautiful sunny day ☀ī¸…

“Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi” (1991)

1. Here is today’s game title: Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi (1991), a…

Princeton (United States)

⛅ī¸ Here is the today’s weather for Princeton, United States! 🌡ī¸ Temperature reaches up to…


🐙 Did you know that some species of jellyfish can live for thousands of years…

“Wave Race 64” (1996)

Here is the today’s game title: Wave Race 64 (1996) Wave Race 64 is sure…

Merredin (Australia)

☀ī¸đŸŒ¤ Here is the today’s weather for Merredin, Australia! It’s a sunny and cloudy day…

“The Ministry of Fear” by Graham Greene

This is how the KatayamaMixXL image generation model “sees” the cover for “The Ministry of…