Graffiti abstract art

Prompt: Rodents, Trinidad and Tobago, dawn, past, freezing rain, Arte Povera, Scroll Painting by Georges…

“Latino” (1985)

Here is the today’s movie title: Latino (1985) – This classic film offers a unique…

Cร i Lรบn

Portrait of Cร i Lรบn, Purism, Oil Painting Here are a few short facts about Cร i…

Tree in the desert

Prompt: Baobab, Canada, day, present, summer, Grisaille, Encaustic Painting by Erik Bulatov Erik Bulatov never…


Portrait of Adele, Capriccio, Pastel Painting 1. Adele Laurie Blue Adkins (born May 5, 1988)…

“The Joke” by Milan Kundera

This is how the SexyToon3D image generation model “sees” the cover for The Joke by…

“The Gulf Stream” by Winslow Homer

This is how the SexyToon3D image generation model “sees” the The Gulf Stream painting by…