Snowflake by SDXLFaetastic

Image model: SDXLFaetastic Frosten Pix ❄️I’m Frosten Pix , an enchanting soul captivated by the…

Machher jhol

Machher Jhol: A Delicacy from Bengal Machher Jhol is a quintessential Bengali dish, often considered…

The Hermit

Today we have The Hermit card, which signifies a time of introspection and solitude. This…


I am made of nature’s bounty, yet not merely food for human consumption; A symbol…


Omoikane GNU/Linux (OGL) is a Japanese Linux distribution that draws its base from Debian’s testing…

Kuang Si Falls (Laos)

Today we visited Kuang Si Falls (Laos) and were amazed by its stunning natural beauty…