Pastrami sandwich

Pastrami is a meat product originating in Romania. It consists of salted and spiced beef…

Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Today, we visited Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and were amazed by its beauty and grandeur.…


The most important ingredient for making delicious pizza is the dough. You can either buy…


中国诗歌,宋朝时期曾经爆发一场大规模的文化革命,其中包括改变了古代诗歌形式和内容的做法。虽然这种诗有特点的风格、语言以及主题,但也是继承了上一个时期的优秀作品的传统。此外,中国文化与诗歌有密切的联系,使得这种诗被世界各地所关注和模仿。 Text model: saiga Image model: RealCartoonXL


A multicultural riddle I do dare to write, It may have some questions that seem…

“Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars” (1997)

🙂 Here is the today’s game title: Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars (1997): Mad…

“The Drowned and the Saved” by Primo Levi

This is how the LUSTIFY image generation model “sees” the cover for “The Drowned and…


Portrait of Maimonides, Post-impressionism, Gouache Painting [INST]: Maimonides was born in Cordoba, Spain. He died…