Tag: Marcel Duchamp

[TELCOMP code] 10 PRINT “HELLO WORLD!”; 20 GOTO 10; 30 END. Explanation: Telcomp is a…

“Nude Descending a Staircase” by Marcel Duchamp
“Nude Descending a Staircase,” created by Marcel Duchamp in 1912, is famous for its innovative…

KOI 2915.01
Here is the today’s weather for the KOI 2915.01 planet orbiting the KOI 2915 star.…

Disney World’s Magic Kingdom (Orlando)
Today we visited Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in Orlando, and I was blown away by…

Solar eclipse beach scene
Prompt: men, Nicaragua, sunrise, near future, solar eclipse, Battle genre, Gouache Painting by Marcel Duchamp…

Dog in scenic sunset
Prompt: Bullmastiff, Belgium, sunrise, future, mist, Pre-Raphaelitism, Collage Painting by Marcel Duchamp Marcel Duchamp never…

Artwork: Woman, cityscape, sky
Prompt: old women, Singapore, morning, past, tsunami, Cloisonism, Nib Painting by Marcel Duchamp Marcel Duchamp…