Oakville (United States)

Here is the today’s weather for Oakville, United States 🌞 A beautiful summer day awaits…

Rosales (Philippines)

🌞 Here’s the today’s weather for Rosales, Philippines 🌴: As of July 19, 2024, Rosales…


🐬 Did you know that Barinasuchus, a prehistoric marine reptile, was one of the earliest…

Kepler-479 b

Here is the today’s weather for Kepler-479 b exoplanet: 🌌 The temperature today is approximately…

Rudolf Diesel

Portrait of Rudolf Diesel, Neo-realism, Scribble Art 1. Rudolf Diesel was born on March 18,…

“The Navigator” (1924)

Here is the today’s movie title: The Navigator (1924). This silent film, directed by Donald…

Trafalgar Square (England)

Today we visited Trafalgar Square in England and were blown away by its grandeur! The…

Kepler-1536 b

Here is the today’s weather for Xylophia IV, Kepler-1536 b exoplanet 🌠: It’s a beautiful…