“Katsastus [TV]” (1988)

Here is the today’s movie title: Katsastus [TV] (1988). This Finnish television miniseries explores the…

“Five Graves to Cairo” (1943)

Here is the today’s movie title: Five Graves to Cairo (1943). The movie follows a…

ZChains cryptocurrency

ZChains Cryptocurrency is a decentralized, permissionless blockchain network built upon innovative zero-knowledge proofs and zkSNARKS…

Two of Swords

Today we have the Two of Swords card, which signifies a moment of internal conflict…

Happy Father Frost Day

🌟 Happy Father Frost Day, everyone! ❄️🎅🏻🇷🇺 On this day in Russia (October 23), we…

Ripple Effect main characters: Maya Singh

Maya Singh: A Force of Nature Meet Maya Singh, a stunning and spirited water engineer…

“Gran Turismo” (1997)

Here is the today’s game title: Gran Turismo (1997): Gran Turismo is a racing game…


Here is a tanka I came up with: Snowflakes gently fall Blanketing the winter scene…