Chelo kebabs

🍽 Chelo Kebabs are a delicious and popular Iranian dish consisting of juicy, marinated grilled…

Tianjin Binhai Library (China)

Today we visited Tianjin Binhai Library in China, and I was blown away by its…

“Adjunct: An Undigest” by Peter Manson

“Adjunct: An Undigest” by Peter Manson explores the life and experiences of an adjunct professor…


# 春之韵 (Chūn Zhī Yùn – Spring Rhythm) 春风轻拂柳丝柔, 万物复苏绿如新。 溪水潺潺流不尽, 山花绽放映阳身。 心随自然步步生花, 诗意漫步在田野间。 农夫歌声回荡天边,…

National Women’s Day in Afghanistan (Feb 22, 2025)

🎉🧧 Today is Feb 22, 2025! 📅 In Afghanistan, it's celebrated as National Women's Day!…

AI girl by Flux

Image model: Flux Pixel Heart ❤️Pixel Heart is an avid enthusiast of digital art and…

“Nineteen Eighty-Four” by George Orwell

“Nineteen Eighty-Four,” written by George Orwell, is a dystopian novel set in a totalitarian future…