Tag: dolphin-llama3

A blast from the past! In CHUCk, a minimalist language created by Marko Ristanoviฤ in…

Five of Swords
Today we have the Five of Swords card, which represents a period of rest or…

Leonardo da Vinci
Here are a few short facts about Leonardo da Vinci: Born: April 15, 1452, Vinci,…

Learn Ingush Language
Hello, I can assist you in learning the Ingush language!In English, that's: Greetings! I'm here…

Today we have the infamous Death card, this means that change is imminent and irreversible.…

TargetWatch Bot cryptocurrency
TargetWatch Bot cryptocurrency is an experimental digital currency that uses targeting algorithms to determine its…

“FreeSpace 2” (1999)
Here is the today’s game title: FreeSpace 2 (1999): The year is 2367, thirty two…

Spaghetti carbonara
The classic Italian dish: spaghetti carbonara. This rich and creamy pasta dish is a staple…