Gharyāla (India)

🌡️ Here is the today’s weather for Gharyāla, India! 🌇 The sky above Gharyāla is…

“The Daughter” by Pavlos Matesis

This is how the SexyToon3D image generation model “sees” the cover for “The Daughter” by…

“No Love for Johnnie” (1961)

Here is the today’s movie title: No Love for Johnnie (1961) Text model: aya Image…


🐮 Did you know that cows have best friends? They form close bonds and often…

Surreal landscapes

Prompt: flowers, Tonga, day, present, tornado, Cyberpunk, Casein Painting by Jean-Honoré Fragonard Jean-Honoré Fragonard never…

HATS-7 b

Here is the today’s weather for the HATS-7 b exoplanet, orbiting the HATS-7 star system…

“Street Fighter III” (1997)

Here is the today’s game title: Street Fighter III (1997): Street Fighter III New Generation…

Michael Crichton

Portrait of Michael Crichton, Academicism, Glass Painting 1. Michael Crichton is best known for his…