“The Childermass” by Wyndham Lewis
This is how the SilvermoonMix image generation model “sees” the cover for “The Childermass” by…

遊龍詞 飛鬧昨夜猶未止,盡日風吹誰人骨,豔生的狂舞,又如春天新花。 天下無限地歸於一處,震動,是我們對生命的憧悼,奮發之情。 翻身行動力大作禍,我們在舞蹤中嘗試探索新路,脫身境界,重振勇氣。 風障不斷的攻向,但這樣只是生命中軟硬的對立, 更重要的是,自然法則的應用,盡情穿越我們未知之境界。 愈往后,鬥狀氣溢於江湖,嗨,誰能掌控創造力?誰有權限指揮時空? 一場彷彿天地交遊的狂舞,將人與自然和童年一同呼應。 我們在尋找未知之路,給予生命新希望,豔生的狂舞,像是催化器,抖動神靈,激活內心創造力。 這種與自然韻律的融合,正是我們在追求的盼望,無止於世界間最終處! 飄翔高飛的神聖舞,不斷地探索未來,只有精髓和創意,抵擊任何阻礙。 遊龍詞,我們在潛水,探索深淵,這是世間最美麼的狂舞! Text model: neural-chat…

“Earthlings” (2005)
Here is the today’s movie title: Earthlings (2005) Text model: aya Image model: PixelAlchemy

Ethiopia’s Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation Day: Fight Against AIDS
🗓️ Today's the Day! 🇪🇹 Today in Ethiopia, it's the fascinating ሰኖችን ወረስ (Antiretroviral Therapy…

🐕 Did you know that Corkies are also known as Yorkshire Terriers? They’re a popular…

Enchanted woodland house, moon
In a Czech Republic village during ancient times, under a cloudy night sky, there stands…

KOI 2807.01
Here is the today’s weather for Kepler-1649c 🌌, also known as KOI 2807.01! As of…

Knight of Pentacles
Today we have the Knight of Pentacles card, which suggests a period of focused effort…