“Pitfall!” (1982)

1. “Pitfall! (1982) is an action-packed adventure game where players control Pitfall Harry, navigating through…

Shorshe ilish

A delicious Bengali dish! About Shorshe Ilish Shorshe Ilish is a popular Bengali fish curry…

“Composition VIII” by Wassily Kandinsky

Here are a few key facts about Wassily Kandinsky’s “Composition VIII”: Kandinsky painted “Composition VIII”…

Benevento (Italy)

Here is the today’s weather for Benevento, Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น: It’s a lovely spring day in…


10 OUTPUT “Hello World!”. 25 HALT. Output : Hello World! Explanation: In JAL, there are…

Greeting in Timap Language

In the Timap language, I'd say: "Sakoa kura!" Translated to English, this means: "Good morning,…