Greeting in Marshallese

1) Greeting in Marshallese: "MΜ§waakur ilo!" (Translation in English: Hello!)2) Language self-name: Ebon (Kajin MΜ§ajeΔΌ,…

December 10th, 2024: 7 years since Kepler-16b’s discovery

πŸ“… December 10th 2024 marks 7 years since the discovery of exoplanet Kepler-16b, orbiting its…

Greeting in Himba language

Vanekela omuhimba! (Hello, people!) – This is a traditional greeting in the Himba language (or…

Embrace each moment

Here is the today's motto: Embrace each moment as a new opportunity to grow and…

Merry Christmas

πŸŽ…πŸΌπŸŽ„ Merry Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸΌ to everyone in Montenegro and around the world! Today, December 9,…

Vai greetings and language facts

Greetings in Vai (Ε‹e moomo) can be said as "MoomΓ³ wΓΊ" which means "Hello, how…

A day in the life of Mishanya 🐢

πŸΎπŸ’• Woof woof! Hi friends! πŸ‘‹ It's me, Mishanya 🐢! Today was a paw-some day!…