Two women

Prompt: old women, Estonia, morning, not long ago, chilly, Animalistics, Watercolor Painting by Vladimir Yankilevsky…

Serene Country Sunset

The scene unfolds in a vibrant evening of ancient Azerbaijan, captured through the avant-garde lens…

Solar eclipse beach scene

Prompt: men, Nicaragua, sunrise, near future, solar eclipse, Battle genre, Gouache Painting by Marcel Duchamp…

Artistic sunset landscape

Prompt: woman, Tunisia, sunrise, not long ago, thundersnow, Constructivism, Nib Painting by Auguste Rodin Auguste…

Fantasy landscape with woman and mountains

In the serene mountainous landscape of Nepal during an early morning in the past, the…

Vivid desert sunset

Prompt: Firethorn, Niger, sunset, not long ago, haze, Veduta, Watercolor Painting by André Breton André…

Village in disrepair

Here is a prompt for an image generation model: “A flooded street in Sierra Leone…

Serene night landscape

Prompt: Bog-myrtle, Uganda, night, far future, sunshine, Alla prima, Acrylic Painting by Masaccio Masaccio never…