Starry Night Dreamscape

Prompt: Periwinkle, Cyprus, dawn, long-long ago, lunar eclipse, Marine, Mixed media painting by Olga Rozanova…

Tropical landscape with cows

“Title: The Enchanted Evening of Mauritius Description: This pastoral scene is set in Mauritius during…

Man with beard

Prompt: old man, Venezuela, sunset, long-long ago, monsoon, Vanitas, Mixed media painting by Antonio Gaudí…

Colorful field of trees

Prompt: men, Uruguay, sunrise, long-long ago, spring, Veduta, Splash Painting by Bridget Riley Bridget Riley…

Peaceful river scene

A serene day in Serbia is captured in this marine-inspired scroll painting technique reminiscent of…

Sunset farmland

Prompt: grass, Central African Republic, evening, long-long ago, frost, Post-impressionism, Mixed media painting by John…

Elephant Parade, Market Scene

The sun sets over Cote d’Ivoire’s bustling cityscape, casting an orange glow on the dense…

Capybara in water

Prompt: Muskrat, Mexico, evening, long-long ago, freezing rain, Romanticism, Pencil Color Drawing by Irina Nakhova…