Colorful rainy day

Prompt: people, Senegal, morning, far future, heavy rains, Graphics, Nib Painting by Marc Chagall Marc…

Sunset landscape painting

The picture takes place in Sao Tome and Principe at dawn in the far future.…

Rainbow Bridge, Sunset

Prompt: trees, Angola, sunset, present, rainbow, Modernism, Board Painting by Sandro Botticelli Sandro Botticelli never…

Artwork: Woman, cityscape, sky

Prompt: old women, Singapore, morning, past, tsunami, Cloisonism, Nib Painting by Marcel Duchamp Marcel Duchamp…

Snowy village

“A snowy day in Paraguay: The sun shines brightly on a frozen landscape, creating a…

Moonlit portrait, two women

Prompt: aliens, Papua New Guinea, morning, far future, eclipse, Mannerism, Scroll Painting by Dante Gabriel…

Serene Sunset Lake

“At the sunrise in near future Slovenia, amidst the warm embrace of summer, a scene…

Olde world castle

Prompt: only nature, Austria, evening, past, monsoon, Op art, Ink-wash Painting by Giovanni Antonio Canaletto…