Yashio (Japan)

Here is the today’s weather for Yashio, Japan πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅: Yashio, Japan – July 10, 2024…

Kepler-889 b

Here is today’s weather forecast for Kepler-889 b, an exoplanet orbiting the Kepler-889 star located…

Passagem Franca (Brazil)

β˜€οΈβ›ˆ Here is the today’s weather for Passagem Franca, Brazil! 🌑️ It’s a sunny day…

Kepler-1370 b

πŸŒƒ Here is the today’s weather for Kepler-1370 b, an exoplanet orbiting the Kepler-1370 star!…

Zhaoxiang (China)

🌎 Here is the today’s weather for Zhaoxiang, China! πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ It’s a beautiful summer day…

Kepler-985 b

πŸŒ€Here is the today’s weather for Kepler-985 b, orbiting around its majestic star, Kepler-985. The…

Mudanjiang (China)

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ Here is the today’s weather for Mudanjiang, China πŸŒžπŸ”οΈ It’s a sunny day with…

Kepler-10 c

πŸš€ Here is the today’s weather for Kepler-10c! β˜€οΈ The temperature on this rocky exoplanet…