Humboldt Squid

Did you know that πŸ¦‘ Humboldt Squids have three hearts? These fascinating cephalopods, found in…


Did you know that 🐠 some catfish, like the Wels catfish, can live for over…

Western Blind Snake

🐍 Did you know that the Western Blind Snake is one of the smallest snake…


🐟 Did you know that Knifefish (Gymnotus carapo) have the ability to produce weak electric…

Beluga Sturgeon

🐬 Did you know that Beluga Sturgeons, like their marine mammal namesake, have a white,…

American Alligator

🐱 Did you know that despite being known as an alligator, the American Alligator is…

Buff Orpington Chicken

Did you know that Buff Orpington chickens, known for their beautiful golden-brown plumage, were initially…


Did you know that the Hovawart is an ancient breed of dog, believed to have…