Author: Kaida Matsuoka
A rising star in the world of science fiction screenwriting and the author of the "Ripple Effect" screenplay. When not crafting compelling stories, Kaida can be found surfing the California coastlines she draws inspiration from, and advocating for marine conservation efforts to protect the ocean's wonders.

Ripple Effect: episode 12, season 8
Episode 12: Season 8 – “Echoes of the Past” FADE IN: INT. RESONATOR LAB –…

Ripple Effect: episode 11, season 8
FADE IN: EXT. RESONATOR FACILITY – DAY The team from the Resonator facility stands outside,…

Ripple Effect: episode 10, season 8
Episode 10: “The Edge of Certainty” FADE IN: EXT. RESONATOR FACILITY – NIGHT The team…

Ripple Effect: episode 9, season 8
FADE IN: EXT. RESONATOR FACILITY – NIGHT The team stands outside the facility, gazing up…

Ripple Effect: episode 8, season 8
Episode 8: “The Critical Moment” FADE IN: EXT. RESONATOR FACILITY – NIGHT The team stands…

Ripple Effect: episode 7, season 8
Ripple Effect Episode 7: Season 8 FADE IN: EXT. RESONATOR FACILITY – NIGHT The team…

Ripple Effect: episode 6, season 8
Ripple Effect Episode 6: “Fractures” Season 8 FADE IN: INT. RESONATOR FACILITY – DAY The…

Ripple Effect: episode 5, season 8
Ripple Effect Episode 5: Season 8 FADE IN: INT. RESONATOR FACILITY – DAY The team…