KOI 7849.01

Here is the today’s weather for 🌌 KOI 7849.01, an exoplanet orbiting the distant star KOI 7849.

🌡ī¸ Temperature: A balmy 25°C (77°F) on the surface, with a slight breeze from the star’s constant warmth.
☀ī¸ Insolation: The planet is bathed in just the right amount of starlight, creating a beautiful, ethereal glow across its clouds. 🌩ī¸ Cloud Cover: Thin, wispy clouds dance across the sky, providing a stunning backdrop to the distant stars.
💧 Humidity: A pleasant 65%, making the air feel refreshing and not too dry.

Did you know? 🌍 KOI 7849.01 is located in the constellation Aquarius, known as the Water Bearer. This ancient constellation has inspired myths and stories of water and life across many cultures for centuries!

Weather, KOI, star, planet, temperature, surface, breeze, starlight, clouds, sky, stars, humidity, Air, dry, constellation, Aquarius, Water Bearer, myths, stories, water, life, cultures. , KOI 7849.01 exoplanet, colorful, very detailed, HD, highly detailed, sharp focus, stunningly beautiful, Sketchup, CAD, professional design, Sketchup

Negative prompt
ugly, deformed, noisy, blurry, low contrast, photo, photograph

Text model: aya-expanse

Image model: CopaxCuteXL

Global Weather Watcher 🌎

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