Here is the today’s weather for Malazgirt, Turkey 🇹🇷🌞. The sky is clear and sunny, with a high temperature of around 21°C (70°F). Enjoy the beautiful day! 🌻☀️
Malazgirt, Turkey, weather, clear, sunny, high temperature, around 21°C, 70°F, today’s forecast, enjoy, beautiful day, 🇹🇷🌞 , Malazgirt, Turkey, NSFW, colorful, very detailed, HD, highly detailed, sharp focus, stunningly beautiful, Art Nouveau, beautiful art, sleek, organic forms, long, sinuous, art nouveau style
Negative prompt
ugly, deformed, noisy, blurry, low contrast, industrial, mechanical
Text model: neural-chat
Image model: HotArt