Here is the today’s weather for KOI 210.01 🌌:
It’s a rather unusual day on this exoplanet, orbiting the KOI 210 star ☉, located in the constellation of Cygnus. Today, temperatures are hovering around -50°C (-58°F), with winds reaching up to 300 km/h 🌪️. The sky presents a vibrant shade of orange-red, reflecting the unique light spectrum from KOI 210, which is slightly cooler and dimmer than our Sun ☀️.
Fun fact: Despite its frigid conditions, astronomers believe KOI 210.01 might have water vapor in its atmosphere! 🚀 #ExoplanetWeather #KOI210
Note: All weather details are speculative based on current understanding of exoplanets.
Text model: granite3.2
Image model: Flux

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