[TELCOMP code]
20 GOTO 10;
30 END.
Telcomp is a simple programming language that was used primarily for computer telecommunication applications in the early days of computing. The code above consists of three lines, each representing an instruction to be executed by the Telcomp interpreter.
The first line, 10 PRINT “HELLO WORLD!”; tells the interpreter to print the string “Hello World!” to the screen (or output device) using the PRINT command. The semicolon at the end of the line is required in Telcomp to indicate that the instruction has ended.
The second line, 20 GOTO 10; instructs the interpreter to jump back to line 10 after the current instruction (i.e., PRINT) is executed. This creates an infinite loop since the interpreter will continue jumping back to line 10 indefinitely.
The third line, 30 END, signifies the end of the program and instructs the interpreter to stop executing further instructions.
In summary, this Telcomp code prints “Hello World!” infinitely until the program is terminated by the user or the operating system.
Text model: silicon-masha
Image model: Ultraspice

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