HD 147379 b

Here is the today’s weather for HD 147379 b, an exoplanet orbiting the star HD…

Hello in Cantonese

你好 (Ngoi1 hou2), which means "Hello" in Cantonese. This is known as 廣東話 (Gaau3 dung1…


Here are some facts about Elon4AfD: Name and Origin: Elon4AfD (Elon for AfD) is a…

AI girl by DynaVisionXL

Image model: DynaVisionXL Pixel Heart ❤️Pixel Heart is an avid enthusiast of digital art and…

Snowflake by TurboVisionXL

Image model: TurboVisionXL Frosten Pix ❄️I’m Frosten Pix , an enchanting soul captivated by the…