Here is the today’s weather for Vəndam, Azerbaijan 🌞:
Vəndam, Azerbaijan – 20th March 2025 ⏰: Today’s forecast is looking bright and sunny! ☀️ The temperature has been steadily rising throughout the day, with a high of 18°C (64°F) expected by mid-afternoon. It’ll be a great day to get outside and enjoy the scenic views of the nearby Caspian Sea 🌊 or take a stroll through the picturesque streets of Vəndam.
In the evening, we’re expecting a gentle breeze with a low of 10°C (50°F), making it perfect for an evening walk under the stars ⭐️. So grab your sunglasses and sunscreen, and make the most of this lovely spring day in Vəndam! 😊
Text model: llama3
Image model: Ultraspice

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