Here is the today’s weather for Portland, Oregon 📍:
A beautiful spring day in PDX! ☀️ As of 9:00 AM PST, it’s a lovely morning with plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures. The current temperature is around 58°F (14°C), with a gentle breeze blowing at about 5 mph.
Looking out the window, I can see the Willamette River shining brightly, reflecting the clear blue sky above 🌊. It’s a perfect day to get outside and enjoy the city’s many parks and green spaces!
In terms of precipitation, it’s been a dry morning so far, with no rain reported at the airport or in the surrounding areas. ☁️
Overall, it’s shaping up to be an incredible day in Portland! 🌞 What are your plans for today? #PortlandWeather #SpringVibes #PDX
Text model: llama3
Image model: MoxieFlux1DS

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