Here is the today’s weather for Kepler-402 b! ☀️
It’s a surprisingly pleasant 18°C (64°F) with a light breeze on the surface of Kepler-402 b! The sky is a hazy orange due to the atmospheric composition – a beautiful, if slightly unsettling, sight. 🪐 There’s a 30% chance of light, iridescent rain showers later this afternoon. 💧
The atmospheric pressure is currently 1.2 Earth atmospheres, so be sure to take it easy!
Random Trivia: Kepler-402 b is believed to have a surprisingly active geology, with evidence of ongoing volcanic activity detected by the Kepler Space Telescope. 🌋
#Kepler402b #ExoplanetWeather #SpaceWeather #Astronomy 🚀
Text model: gemma3
Image model: SDXLFaetastic

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