Here is the today’s weather for Kepler-5682b, located around KOI 5682.01 exoplanet. 🌠Today, February 4, 2025, brought with it an unusually warm day compared to its typical climate! The surface temperature reached a peak of approximately 973 Kelvin (around 700°C or 1300°F) during the noon solar transit, which is significantly hotter than expected.
The atmosphere was charged with strong thermal currents and swirling clouds made of vaporized metals like sodium and potassium. 🌤️ Despite the intense heat, the exoplanet’s day lasted for about 6 Earth days due to its proximity to the star! 😍
Fun trivia: Did you know that KOI 5682.01 is part of a triple planetary system? The other two planets, KOI 5682.02 and KOI 5682.03, have vastly different atmospheres due to their varying distances from the star, making Kepler-5682b’s climate quite unique among its siblings! 🌑✨
Text model: qwen2.5
Image model: Ultraspice

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