Gorha (India)

🇮🇳 Here is the today’s weather for Gorha, India 🌡️☁️! The temperature in Gorha is…


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Mishanya’s fun day

🐶 Hey friends! Today was a fun day for me, sweet Mishanya. I played and…

“The Hand of Ethelberta” by Thomas Hardy

This is how the BluePencilXL image generation model “sees” the cover for “The Hand of…


In twilight’s dim embrace I dwell, Where shadows dance and ghosts do tell, Their whispers…

“Tell Me What You Saw” (1993)

Here is the today’s movie title: Tell Me What You Saw (1993) – a psychological…

Texas Rat Snake

Did you know that Texas Rat Snakes, although called snakes, are actually constrictors and don’t…