Here is the today’s weather for 🌌 HD 102117 b, located in the constellation 💫 Hydra!
🌡️ Temperature: At a balmy -250°C (-418°F), it’s a frigid world with an icy surface. Brrr! 🥶
💨 Wind Speed: Average winds gusting up to 300 km/h (186 mph) make this exoplanet a wild and stormy place. ⚡️
🌤️ Insolation: Due to its close orbit around HD 102117, HD 102117 b experiences intense solar radiation, making it a potentially volcanic world. 🔥
Fun Fact: HD 102117 b is believed to be one of the closest exoplanets to its star, completing an orbit in just 3 days, which makes it a fascinating yet extreme environment for any potential life forms! 🌍🚀
Text model: aya-expanse
Image model: BluePencilXL
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