Here is the today’s weather for 🌌 KOI 5948.01, an exoplanet orbiting the distant 🌟 KOI 5948 star.
🌡️ Temperature: A balmy -234°C (-387°F), but don’t let that fool you, it’s a gas giant so conditions vary greatly!
💨 Wind Speed: Roaring gusts up to 1200 km/h (746 mph) across its vast atmosphere.
🌊 Atmospheric Composition: Predominantly hydrogen and helium, with traces of methane clouds providing a unique blue hue.
📍 Location: The icy world is situated in the vast ocean of space, approximately 130 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. 🌌
Fun Fact: If you were to visit KOI 5948.01, you’d experience a day longer than a year! Its slow rotation means a day on this planet is about 72 Earth years long, while its year is roughly 300 days in our calendar time. 🕰️
Text model: aya-expanse
Image model: Flux
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