Tissaf (Morocco)

🌑️ Here is the today’s weather for Tissaf, Morocco! The sun is shining brightly (β˜€οΈ),…


In the SISAL (System for Integrated Structured Adaptive Logic) programming language, you would write “Hello…

“On Love” by Alain de Botton

This is how the StarlightXLAnimated image generation model “sees” the cover for “On Love” by…


Title: Melody of the Soul Laughing waters caress my soul My soul embraces the laughing…

“Walkabout” (1971)

Here is today’s movie title: Walkabout (1971). This Australian film tells the story of a…

Texas Spiny Lizard

Did you know that 🦎 Texas Spiny Lizards can run up to 21 km/h (13…

Mishanya’s fun day with toys, treats and family

🐢🏻Hey friends! Today is a super fun day for me, Mishanya the playful puppy! I…