“High Art” (1998)

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Here is the today’s movie title: High Art (1998) – This offbeat comedy, directed by Loren Singer, follows a struggling artist named James Stuckey (Gabriel Byrne), who becomes infatuated with his student, a beautiful and talented young woman named Lorraine (Maria Pitillo). As their relationship evolves, James’ possessiveness and obsessive behavior lead to chaos in his life.

Movie: High Art (1998), Movie title, High Art, comedy, Loren Singer, struggling artist, James Stuckey, Gabriel Byrne, infatuation, student, Lorraine, Maria Pitillo, relationship, evolves, possessiveness, obsessive behavior, chaos, life. , NSFW, colorful, very detailed, HD, highly detailed, sharp focus, stunningly beautiful, Retail packaging style, Vibrant, enticing, commercial, product-focused, eye-catching, professional, highly detailed

Negative prompt
noisy, blurry, amateurish, sloppy, unattractive

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