KOI 3208.01

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🌞 Here is the today’s weather for planet KOI 3208.01! It’s currently sunny with a light breeze and temperatures reaching 45 degrees Celsius (☀️💨). The planet is located in the Tau-Ceti system, only 12 light years away from Earth. Did you know that KOI 3208 star is an orange dwarf star with a mass similar to our own sun? #KOI3208WeatherReport #TauCetiSystem 🌌🌍

Weather, Planet, Koi 3208.01, Tau-Ceti system, Earth, Light years, Orange dwarf star, Sun, Breeze, Temperatures, Celsius, Mass, Similar, Our own sun, Report #KOI3208WeatherReport #TauCetiSystem , KOI 3208.01 exoplanet, colorful, very detailed, HD, highly detailed, sharp focus, stunningly beautiful, retro arcade style, 8-bit, pixelated, vibrant, classic video game, old school gaming, reminiscent of 80s and 90s arcade games

Negative prompt
modern, ultra-high resolution, photorealistic, 3D

Text model: silicon-masha

Image model: PixelAlchemy