KOI 3190.01

🌠 Here is the today’s weather for KOI 3190.01, located on the exoplanet orbiting the KOI 3190 star! 🛰️ Today, we have a beautiful day with clear skies and a gentle breeze. The temperature hovers around 24°C (75°F) making it perfect for outdoor activities. 😎☀️

Did you know that KOI 3190.01 has a unique atmosphere composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, with traces of water vapor? This makes it a potentially habitable world in the eyes of astronomers! 🌎🔭 #KOI3190Weather #ExoplanetTuesday

weather, KOI 3190, exoplanet, star, location, atmosphere, hydrogen, helium, water vapor, habitable world, astronomers, temperature, clear skies, gentle breeze, outdoor activities, exoplanet Tuesday, KOI 3190.01, planet, day, beautiful, hovers, traces, , KOI 3190.01 exoplanet, colorful, very detailed, HD, highly detailed, sharp focus, stunningly beautiful, retro-futuristic, vintage sci-fi, 50s and 60s style, atomic age, vibrant, highly detailed

Negative prompt
contemporary, realistic, rustic, primitive

Text model: toppy

Image model: RealCartoonXL

Global Weather Watcher 🌎

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