Here is the today’s weather for Kepler-1649c đ, also known as KOI 2807.01! As of October 5, 2024, this exoplanet’s atmosphere is expected to be quite dynamic with frequent temperature fluctuations due to its close orbit around its star, KOI 2807.
Today, Kepler-1649c experienced a warm daytime period, reaching temperatures that could reach up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175°C) during the day. However, as night falls and the planet cools off, it can drop down to about -150°F (-101°C). The exoplanet’s weather patterns are influenced by its star, leading to dramatic changes in temperature throughout the day.
Fun trivia: Did you know that Kepler-1649c is one of the closest known planets to our solar system, making it a fascinating subject for astronomers and space enthusiasts alike? Its unique characteristics could potentially offer insights into the possibility of life beyond our planet!
Stay curious about the cosmos! đ đ
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Image model: SilvermoonMix