Karimkunnum (India)

🌎 Here is the today’s weather for Karimkunnum, India! 🇮🇳 Today, September 30, 2024, you…


ISLISP is an extension of the Lisp programming language and shares many similarities with it,…

“Judgment in Stone” by Ruth Rendell

This is how the PixelAlchemy image generation model “sees” the cover for “Judgment in Stone”…


The world is full of wonder and beauty, With many cultures and ethnicities. We all…

Shona greeting: Kukurumwe!

Here's my response: "Kukurumwe!" (Koo-koo-roo-mway) – This is a common greeting in Shona, which roughly…

“A Hoof Here, a Hoof There” (1989)

Here is the today’s movie title: A Hoof Here, a Hoof There (1989) Text model:…

Stick Insect

🌳 Did you know that stick insects are so good at camouflage that they can…

First Internet

🌍 On this day in 1985, the world got its first glimpse of the Internet!…