King David

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Portrait of King David, Still life, Acrylic Painting

Here are a few short facts about King David:

  1. David’s Early Life: David was the youngest of eight sons born to Jesse, an Ephrathite from Bethlehem (1 Samuel 17:12).
  2. Anointing by Samuel: At a young age, David was anointed by prophet Samuel as the next king of Israel after Saul (1 Samuel 16:13-14), even though Saul was still on the throne at that time.
  3. Battle with Goliath: Perhaps one of his most famous stories, David, then just a teenager, defeated the Philistine giant Goliath using nothing but a stone and sling (1 Samuel 17).
  4. King of Israel: After Saul’s death, David was chosen by God to be the next king of Israel, initially as Saul’s successor but ultimately as a great king in his own right.
  5. Wise Ruler: King David not only was a military leader, having united all of Israel under one rule (2 Samuel 5:1-3), but also composed many Psalms and songs that are still part of the Hebrew Bible’s collection of sacred music, known as the Book of Psalms.
  6. Heir to the Throne: Despite being chosen by God, David was not perfect and made several mistakes in his life, most notably taking Bathsheba for himself after her husband’s death (2 Samuel 11:1-4).
  7. Legacy and Succession: David had many sons but only one of them, Solomon, succeeded him as king (1 Kings 1:13), fulfilling God’s promise that the kingdom would be established through his descendants.

These are just a few highlights from King David’s story in the Bible, showing both his strengths and weaknesses.

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